Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Political Writing

Considering that this blog is for a Political Science writing course it is probably time that I stop rambling and write something about politics.  Just around a 15 month corner is the next presidential election for the United States.  I absolutely LOVE elections! The drama! The campaign strategies! The kissing of baby foreheads! I just love it all.  I was 18 and graduating high school when Obama was elected.  I immediately gained a distain for him and his glamorous election because 1) I am a republican 2) No one I knew could think of a reason to vote for him other than "he is going to bring change".  The sample population that I was using to find out why people were voting for him was pathetic, 18 year old girls in a catholic school are never more politically informed beyond those few liberal politicians and candidates willing to be seen on MTV.  I, on the other hand, was raised in a home where FOX was regularly on during dinner and both of my parents made a notable effort to keep my siblings and I politically informed as kids.

Thankfully, 4 years have gone by and as a Political Science student, talk of the election started months ago.   3 years into his term and I still can't get myself to like Barack Obama as our president.  When he was elected I thought that he took on far more than he could handle and the "change" which he promised  was slow coming.  Many people often ask me if I am racist for not liking Obama and I find this question offensive every time.  In a country where equality is given to all no matter what race, religion, gender or sex orientation one chooses to be, I find it offensive that people assume that I am vapid enough to not vote for someone simply because he is African American.  I respect Obama for getting elected. His first campaign was strong and had some of the best marketing of a man which I have ever seen.  He just isn't the kind of president that I'd like in office.  Considering the blows which the Democrats just took in New York and Nevada, I think that they are starting to worry about losing their precious presidency.  I think that the Democrats have thought that the office was their prerogative because of the strong campaign which Obama led 4 years ago.

I have been doing my best to fit watching the Republican debates into my schedule which isn't always easy.  Thus far there is no potential republican candidate whom I feel is worthy of the seat.  At first I was  gung ho Michelle Bachmann but then I realized some of the things that she said were very Sarah Palin-esque and she is only making this campaign harder on herself and giving a bad name to any women potentially running for president in the future.  (My thoughts on a woman president get their own blog later on).  As much as I think Rick Perry will get the ticket I don't honestly know enough about him to form my own educated opinion yet.  The only thing about the republicans which I am for sure about right now is that no one who is running as a Christian or has had any affiliation with the Tea Party will be elected.

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